chamber cantata, neo-romanticism, Katowice composer SchoolAbstract
The article defines the individual stylistic style of the composer, which consists in the original interaction of traditional and modern systems of musical interpretation of the poetic primary source, emotional saturation, intonational-thematic brightness, striving for originality of dramatic solutions. Purpose of the article is to investigate the compositional-dramaturgical and stylistic features of the genre of chamber cantata, interpreted by the katowice composer E. Knapik, in the aspect of neo-style theory in the european musical art of the second half of the twentieth century. Methodology. The article uses methodology and methodology of systematic research combining cognitive and analytical methods, updated during the study of the individual-style amplitude of the chamber cantata of E. Knapik. Scientific novelty of the article is that for the first time the style attribution of the chamber cantata genre on the material of the latest highly artistic samples is consistently updated and implemented. Conclusions. Observations made in the article suggest that chamber cantata in the interpretation of E. Knapik significantly enriches modern european traditions. The newest model of the genre is characterized by a philosophical level of problems, intellectualization.
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