individual style of musical creativity, musical creativity, phenomenology of creativity, composer’s creativity, performing creativity, style, musical activity, life creativityAbstract
The article investigates the main principles of the individual style of musical creativity on the basis of philosophical and musicological substantiation. The way to understanding the uniqueness of this phenomenon, in the author's opinion, is opened through the prism of the existential approach. As a result, the concept of «individual style of musical creativity» is interpreted much wider than the one focused on the musical and linguistic level, since it involves a combination of characteristic features in various spheres of musical activity of an individual and reaches the level of life-creation (N. Savytska), which echoes the definition of receptive consciousness of homo cognitio, directed at itself, as the basis of a new paradigm of musical creativity of the twentieth century (L. Shapovalova). The study has shown that the basic principles of the individual style of musical creativity, interpreted as musical activity in its various forms, primarily composing and performing, are as follows. It is proved that the main condition for creativity is freedom in determining oneʼs own life, in understanding the essence of art, etc. Thus, it is freedom, a phenomenon of a dialogical nature that reflects the «memory of culture», that enables a person to reach a developed individuality level, to become a person capable of creating through self-knowledge. As a result, it is stated that a person is not only a psychological but also a cultural phenomenon, and the style of his or her creativity is determined by a combination of multiple factors – from worldview and value to temperament. It is argued that the declared problematics required the use of a hermeneutical approach to the analysis of the subject of research, which reveals the meaning of artistic works as multivalent texts. Such an approach is represented in Ukrainian musicology in the concepts of L. Kyianovska, O. Markova and other scholars, which offers prospects for further study of the nature and specifics of the individual style in musical creativity as a life-creating phenomenon.
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