


musical landscape, musical infrastructure, socio-cultural inquiries, cultural-historical parameters, musical being, musical interests, musical education, musical creativity, composer’s school, performance interpretation, listening perception


The aim of the article is to analyze the concepts of musical landscape and musical infrastructure in aspect of their correlation and connection. It is emphasized that they can be considered at the macro- and micro-scale level, using the example of both the country as a whole, and its regions or individual cities. It was noted that in the analyzed problem, the musical needs and musical interests of society, in various layers of society, which reflect the general socio-cultural trends and represent the level of spiritual and artistic requests of the recipients, become especially relevant. The concept of musical landscape, applied to the category of musical infrastructure, reflects both cultural and historical parameters, as well as the intensity of musical creativity, the level of musical education, the development trends of composer schools, the specifics of performing interpretation, the peculiarities of listening perception, etc. The musical infrastructure can be considered through the prism of the embodiment of cultural value orientations of society. It was noted that both centrifugal and centripetal trends in the musical life of the country are observed today, connected with the emigration of musicians or the change of their place of residence within the country; the growing role of the civil and professional position of artists, expressed in the appearance of a large number of works, often of patriotic or sacred content; an active concert and festival-competition movement, a significant number of charity events; growing interest in the national musical product both in the middle of the country and abroad; increased interest in the creative output of representatives of the Ukrainian composer school of the past and present, in the performing interpretation of national musical artifacts; placing various socio-cultural functions on musical creativity, among which priority was given to civic-patriotic, educational, representative and therapeutic; a sensitive listening perception of the surrounding musical reality, filled with a call to fight, prayer silence, mournful mourning of the newest Heroes and hope for victory. А combination of offline and online forms of learning in music education, with active digitization of educational processes and their approximation to world educational standards is noted.


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