


musical life, infrastructure, modernity, socio-cultural space, local surroundings, multiculturalism


The article considers the peculiarities of modern musical life in the multicultural context of globalization processes. It specifies the meaning of the concept of infrastructure in the projection on the Ukrainian musical art of today. The article’s goal is studying of regional peculiarities of musical life from the perspective of the infrastructure of the modern Ukrainian socio-cultural space. It is focused on using of a set of methods, among which are comparative-generalizing, theoretical and analytical methods. The influence of public interests and artistic needs of society, cultural and artistic traditions and local customs on the category of infrastructure of musical life is summarized. The author came to the conclusion that a number of factors influence its formation, among which the following should be underlined: the geographical location of a certain socio-cultural space; change in the dynamics of the listening audience’s interest in local cultural and musical products; the presence of a greater or lesser number of different national communities in a certain location, the intensity of their cultural and social interaction; infrastructural concentration or dispersion of musical institutions in a certain regional setting; the presence of a musical community as a valuable potential factor in the professionalization of musical life; the degree of musical socialization of the population, as an indicator of general cultural and spiritual education and require in musical and educational centers; the degree of economic and social development of a certain region, which also affects the providing of financial needs of musical institutions; application of modern technologies in the matter of preservation, distribution and digitization of musical information and funds; developed technical, effective cultural and managerial potential, etc. It was summarized that the further development of the indicated topic consists in the study of the transformation of the infrastructure of modern musical life in the context of glocalization processes.


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