
  • Jaroslaw Chaciński


Krzysztof Penderecki, Yevhen Stankovych, Arnold Schönberg, Intercultural Music Education, Pedagogy of remembrance, Religious music


Three outstanding music works have been presented in the article – “Polish Requiem” for 4 solo voices, mixed chorus and symphonic orchestra by Krzysztof Penderecki, “Panachyda za zmarłych z głodu” [A memorial service for those who died of hunger] for soloists, two mixed choruses, a reciter and symphonic orchestra by Jewhen Stankowycz, as well as Ocalały z Warszawy [A Survivor from Warsaw], a melodrama, op. 46, for a reciter, male chorus and orchestra by Arnold Schönberg. The works exemplify the idea of a composer's synthesis, present a programme of important, quite often tragic fates constituting the area of common ups and downs of Central Europe - Poles, Germans, Jews and Ukrainians. For that reason, the author has deemed it necessary to include these works in the school’s music curriculum, as an inter-cultural project, intentionally preparing the young for a dialogue and meetings. The thesis has been divided into two parts: The first one included a meaning and content-related analysis of music works in their mutual relations and differences in treating the language of artistic statement, similarity of topics formulated as a symbolic and narrative programme, as well as in references to religion and understanding the sacred sphere. The second part expresses pedagogic contributions which, during the musical education process, may constitute inspiration for the artistically-oriented inter-cultural education achieved by making the artistic activity available for the young. From among the trends, the following didactic and educational conceptions have been distinguished: a) Music educating by stimulating the cultural memory, b) Religious music in the “pedagogy of remembrance” trend, c) Music of martyrdom in the inter-cultural educational programme in the process of dialogue and assimilation.


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