Galicia, greco-catholic ceremony, periodicals, scribe (dyak), regent, church singing.Abstract
As a result of the awareness of the important role of spiritual and cultural phenomena in the development of Ukrainian culture, modern society has a particular interest in the historical context of the formation of sacred art. Therefore, the process of research of church singing based on reliable information, fixed in Galician periodicals since the appearance of the first publications on this topic and before the Second World War, became the basis of the writing of the article. The choice of methodological principles is conditioned by the specifics of the research carried out, in particular, the accumulation of materials with further understanding and selection. Historical and cultural studies, art studies, theological and teaching materials, which are found at the time periodical, preserved in the department of ukrainian, in the scientific department of periodicals by Maryana and Ivanni Kotsiv, National Library of Ukraine the name of V. Stefanyk, and in the State Archives of the Ternopil region. The use of comparative and cultural methods helped to highlight the historically determined features of ritual and church-musical life of Galicia at the end of the 19th and the first half of the twentieth century under the conditions of expansion of the pro-government structures. Due to the functional approach, the problems of coexistence of denominations, social conditions of the Greek Catholic Church, the status of daco-regent educationand publishing, and the role of personalities in the practice of church singingare outlined. On this basis, a holistic evaluation of spiritual and choralperformance and the social context of church singing as a form of realizationof the liturgical art of the Eastern rite in Galicia at the end of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century was achieved. The source materials revealed the activation of public opinion in the press at that time, showed the significant role of the Ukrainian Church in shaping national self-awareness and dominance of the spiritual factor in the outlook and everyday life of the Galician.
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