globalization, globalization dimensions, East and West communities, international cultural dialogue, Chinese music artAbstract
The article is devoted to the consideration of the modern process of globalization in the field of culture and music culture in particular, the phenomenon of “cultural globalization” is highlighted. The interdependence of the processes of globalization and regionalization is considered, the rethinking of goals and understanding of the directions it “catching up with Western modernization” is many eastern countries. In the relations between the countries of the East and the West, the achievement of an equal partnership has been observed, China – a state that has become one of the world leaders. It is fixed that in some Eastern countries due to religious, cultural, spiritual and psychological features of society there is a reluctance to of total implementation the Western model of mass consumption. It is observed that in the framework of modern globalization processes international cultural dialogue strengthens mutual understanding between peoples and provides opportunities for better knowledge of their own national identity; that the mutual cultural influence is reflected primarily in the field of art, means – in the field that can easily and quickly combine the experience of different cultures. It is revealed that the globalization dimensions development of musical culture of the East are the growth of its interaction with the West, the gradual disappearance of the former conceptual disunity of East and West communities, denial of Eurocentrism, striving for unity, common existence, not opposition; the difference between the cultures of the West (as emphasizing the sovereignty of the creative personality and the dominance of its rational worldview, freedom in creative manifestations) and the East (where the dimension of personality is the depth of experiences and ideas about the mysterious foundations of existence and self-understanding). It is concluded that the defining features of a civilization change depending on what becomes more important in each particular period of history. Thus, we can speak not of the Westernization of the East or the Orientalization of the West, but of their interpenetration. On the way to creating a universal world culture, it is not standardization and totality that is envisaged, but the removal of barriers between the aspiring cultures of East and West.
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