
  • Nataliya Syrotynska


Lviv Brotherhood, five-line notations, theoretical treatises, German influence, Andreas Ornitoparch-Vogelzand, Johann Spangenberg


The article considers the preconditions for the creation of the Ukrainian five-line notation, which replaced the medieval neumatic notation and it’s important role in the initiation and development of the polyphonic singing in the liturgical rite of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Considered the an important role of the Lviv Brotherhood (XVI) and Western European polyphony in this process. The article highlights aspects the historical perspective of the socio-cultural relations between Lviv and Germany and determined the key role of the German theoretical treatises. The purpose of the article is to try to outline the significance of the German theoretical treatises in the creation of the Ukrainian five-line notation in Lviv at the end of the 16th century. The research methodology consists in the application of historical, culturological and theoretical-analytical methods. This allowed us to trace and determine the place of the German culture in the Lviv’s socio-cultural environment and the reform of musical art. The creation of the Ukrainian type of five-line writing was caused by the introduction of the polyphonic practice of liturgical singing in the rite of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the last quarter of the 16th century. This was due to the activity of the Lviv Brotherhood, which achieved the official recognition of polyphony. This fact is evidenced by the official letter of the Patriarch of Alexandria Meletius Pigas. In the same time, when a linear notation was created, there many wellknown European theoretical treatises are register in the library of the Lviv’s Brotherhood and private book collections of the elders of the Lviv’s Brotherhood. These treatises were created by German musical theorists. Therefore, we can establish their great importance in the creation of the Ukrainian five-line notation in the environment of the Lviv’s Brotherhood.


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