


gender, artist, creativity, composer, compos, performer.


The problem of researching women's creative work from the earliest times to the present day is increasingly becoming the subject of study by modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists. The article highlights aspects of artistic and musical creative work of female artists of ancient China and identifies the most talented figures who had an important impact on the history of the development of Chinese art. A complex of methods was used in the research process, among which source studies, search activities and musicological method became the priority. The gender specificity of compositional and performing creative work was studied in the aspects of genre specificity, elements of musical language, features of performance in the works of S. Pavlyshyn, M. Perepelytsia, T. Molchanova, O. Bebechko, M. Schmidt [7], A. Lomaks, D. Wurzbach, of Chinese authors Qiu Difan, Sun Fanfang, and others. The study of ancient Chinese narrations by Fen Chentszyun' [4], Li Daoyun' [3], thoughts of philosophers Lao-tzu [7] and Confucius [6] were used. The contribution of ancient female musicians of China to the development of playing musical instruments from the group of pizzicato strings were clarified; differences in understanding opinions about the origin of music, its aesthetic essence, emotional impact, the concept of "composing musical works" in Western Europe and in the Far East were elucidated. The figures of the most outstanding female artists of ancient China in the field of poetry, dance, fine arts, musical performance and composition were identified, and their artistic achievements were investigated. The effects of composer creative work and performance of ancient female musicians on the further development of Chinese national musical art and instrumental culture were summed up. Summarizing the compositional and performing achievements of ancient female musicians makes it possible to affirm their great importance, along with men, for the development of national music: in the creation of unsurpassed in beauty melodies and technically complex virtuoso works which are still being included in the treasury of Chinese music, in significant enrichment of the rhythmic component, in expanding the number of levels of the pentatonic scale.


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