


musical life of modern Italy, music festival, musical creativity, symphonic music, piano music, composer’s work, means of musical expression, management of musical art, marketing, funds, cultural brand.


The main principles of territorial marketing policy regarding the promotion of musical projects in Italy, its influence on the socio-economic development of regions are considered. The national project "Ravello Festival", the seventy-first season of which took place in 2023, is characterized. The role of the Ravello Foundation (Fondazione Ravello) in the organization of the festival, creative advertising activities, thanks to which the project is popularized as an artistic phenomenon, is determined. It was highlighted that the organization and holding of festivals of this level require high selection criteria and high professional skills of both participants and organizers. It was found that festival marketing in the musical life of Italy is successful thanks to the cooperation of state structures, financial institutions, the private business sector and foundations, cultural associations, and institutions of the tourism sector. The specifics of the promotion of Italian music projects are revealed, including the analysis, planning, implementation of mass events with the help of creativity in advertising, constant technological updating, the functioning of the website in Italian and English, which instantly introduces visitors to the atmosphere of the project. The dependence of the success of music projects on the exclusive decisions of the organizers and the introduction of innovative technologies is substantiated. The activities of the festival, its artistic component, thanks to which the brand of the territory gains popularity both among the local population and among tourists, are analyzed. As a result of successful management and organization, "Ravello Festival" constantly enriches its possibilities, remaining the main tool of territorial marketing, influencing the exclusive image of the city of Ravello.


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