


composer's work of L. Fedorova-Kohanska, modern bandura art, composer's style, neo-impressionism.


The compositional activity of the famous Ukrainian bandurist Lyudmyla Fedorova-Kohanska is studied. In the stylistic aspect, the composer's original work - the instrumental cycle for solo bandura "The Second Travel Notebook" is understood. The concept of style is defined in the plane of modern compositional art based on the scientific research of Ukrainian researchers. The composer's personal connections with France were established, which made it possible to understand the peculiarities of the French influence on the artist's original compositional work. L. Fedorova-Kohanska's active performance allowed her to immerse herself in the sound space of French culture. The role of the influence of French impressionism on the composer's work of L. Fedorova-Kohanska during the creation of the instrumental cycle "The Second Notebook of Travels" is revealed. An important aspect of the article was the definition of the author's compositional style of L. Fedorova-Kohanska. Neo-impressionism became the central stylistic component of the composer's work. The main features of the "neo-impressionism" style are identified and their presence in the instrumental cycle "The Second Travel Notebook" is traced. The central component of the author's reading of the neo-impressionism style was the original interpretation of the bandura timbre palette. The composer presents the bandura as a universal instrument, thanks to the technical parameters of which it becomes possible to embody various types of compositional and stylistic techniques of neo-impressionism. The dominant means of musical expressiveness in the representation of stylistic features of neoimpressionism in the works of L. Fedorova-Kohanska are: articulation, harmony, lado-tonal features, textural options (work with spatiality), sound imagery. The main technical techniques used by the composer in the instrumental cycle "The Second Travel Notebook" have been determined.


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