communicative component, chamber-instrumental musical performance, personal potential, predispositions of musician's self-awareness, «I»-concept of ensemble performerAbstract
Conversation and communication play an extremely important role in a chamber ensemble. The problems of the theory and method of forming musical, in particular chamber-instrumental performance, and especially its communicative component, are extremely relevant. It is by examining the communicative component that the postulate of the specificity of communication in the context of collective music-making is crystallized, based on various psychological characteristics of the individual and the possibilities of projections of these theories specifically in the field of chamber-ensemble performance. The conditions for the effective disclosure of the personal potential of a musician-performer in the context of the projection of the psychology of art into the development of the performance interpretation of a musical work in the field of chamber-ensemble music making are highlighted. The definition of chamber-ensemble music-making is being formed as a form of collective musical activity that reveals the knowledge, skills and abilities of all members of the collective in the process of emotionally expressive, interpretatively determined and ensemble-coordinated performance of music. Chamber ensembles, in which communication is established, achieve long-term productive music making, which is the key to approximating the embodiment of the higher ensemble "I". On the example of K. Jung's typology of personalities, as well as its derivative, the typology of I. Myers-K. Briggs formed the concept of differentiation of personality types projected into the field of chamber ensemble. A transformational view on the development of modern performing art is demonstrated, where the processes of developing the personal potential of the performer-ensemble member are of great importance in the study of the specifics of the development of chamber-instrumental performance as a basis for the creation of a collective interpretive model of the performance of a musical work.
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