


means of artistic expression, musical groove, musical production, musical art, composer, musical producer, modern performance, modern creativity


The latest achievements in music, such as dubstep, triphop, do not leave even the most ardent fans of classical music. Certain genres, undoubtedly, cause a flurry of listening emotions – both negative and positive. If at the level of the listener, the perception of music is incredibly simple (like – dislike), then at the level of musicians, sound recording specialists, music critics, this process takes the form of discussions, discussions, and research. One of the issues is distinguishing the components of a musical work. The musical groove is one of them. The concept of ‘musical groove’ is represented in the article. The purpose of the article is to reveal the meaning of ‘musical groove’ on the basis of scientific sources and analysis of modern popular music. Research methodology includes: historical and cultural method – to reveal events and facts from the history of the musical groove; analytical approach – for a detailed analysis of the problems of the ‘musical groove’; musicological analysis – to characterize the musical groove in selected musical compositions. The relevance of the issue of the musical groove in the Ukrainian scientific space has been proven in connection with the limited coverage of the problem in contrast to foreign experience. Based on the analysis of scientific and journalistic sources, processes of synthesis and generalization of study results, the meaning and definition of ‘musical groove’ is revealed as: a complete musical structure (one or more measures) for solo or ensemble performance with elements of cyclicity. A musical groove is similar to a multi-layered pattern with a full-fledged ensemble of musical instruments; it can also be presented in the form of a solo musical instrument, a voice. The musical groove is the basis of modern composition, often with a micro-deviation in the rhythm (microrhythm), which directly affects the rhythmic-harmonic and timbral musical solutions in the works. Peculiarities and phenomenon of the musical groove in the process of its possibilities as evaluation criteria of the performance component of a musical work with the characteristic of professional skill of soloists and groups. Another quality of assessment, due to the use of a musical groove, is the emotional response of listeners (recipients) of musical creativity, which affects the commercial success of modern musical works. We can make an interconnected, justified chain that reveals the ‘musical groove’ as a scientific, creative, executive, production problem.


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Значення слово groove в оксфордському словнику: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 24.10.2023).

Значення слово groove в меріам словнику: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 24.10.2023).

Як тебе не любити, Києве мій – Дмитро Гнатюк веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: 24.10.2023).

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Rihanna Love On the Brain | Live at Global Citizen Festival 2016 веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення: W24.10.2023).

Лічильник BMP онлайн [Архівовано 15 березня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]

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