
  • Mariia Mykhailivna Gerega


didactic repertoire, piano prelude, small cycle, interpretive tasks, sound creation aspects


The task of this article is to consider the genre specifics of the cycle of preludes and a small cycle of program pieces, the interconnection of traditions and innovative searches in the field of creating an executive-didactic repertoire for pianists on the example of the author's collection of Roman Tsis. The methodology of the research is to use theoretical and structural-system methods in the analysis of sources and samples of the didactic repertoire of different authors; comparative - in the study of the features of the individual author's style as the basis for mastering technical and sound creation tasks. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the author analyzes the interconnection of traditions and innovative searches in the field of creating an executive-didactic repertoire for pianists in the class of general and specialized piano in the genre system of a cycle of programmatic preludes and small cycles with the help of contemporary composer creativity. R. Tsis's piano cycles have a significant didactic potential from the standpoint of understanding interpretative tasks in terms of different stylistics, genre varieties, principles of texture organization, composing techniques and sounding aspects. With a rather modest technical arsenal and small scale compositions, they reproduce a variety of formative techniques and principles of melodic development. Due to the presence of small cycles and the monogamous suite of preludes, it is possible to simulate the selection of the repertoire depending on the tastes, preferences and interpretive-didactic needs of a particular representative of the class of general and specialized piano. This approach allows individually to form the most appropriate set of works that would gradually build and develop the aesthetic and performing-interpretive potential of the student, his ability to solve artistic tasks and overcome technical difficulties. The key to success is to engage in a multi-role and multi-genre repertoire with the ability to separate individual thumbnails or, conversely, simulate suites-cyclic structures.


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