folk dance culture, science about dance, ethnocoreology, choreographic record, Vasyl Verkhovinets, Andriy Gumenyuk, Roman Harasymchuk, Vasyl AvramenkoAbstract
The research is related to the actualization of the national scientific heritage of the ethno-choreological direction, which is a significant component in the structure of cultural studies, art studies, ethnographic, folklore and choreographic research, one of the necessary conditions for the preservation of the national dance heritage in its traditional dimension.The methodology of the research is to use the analytical method - for the analysis of scientific sources from the ballet in the philosophical, culturological, art criticism, psychological, and pedagogical space; historical method - for the analysis of causal features of the emergence and formation of ethno-choreological knowledge as a form of understanding of dance art; a comparative method - to identify common and distinctive features of the method of treating the phenomenon of folk dance in the writings of prominent researchers of the past; a synthetic method - for a generalization of various subjective ideas and theories of domestic researchers in the field of choreography. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the national art studies the author has substantiated and defined the concept of ethnochoreology and its functions as the founders of this field of domestic scientific knowledge; It was traced and the stage of formation of the leading parameters of the concept of ethno-choreological problems in the scientific development was discovered not only within Ukraine but also in the Ukrainian diaspora; It has been proved that the historical background has caused chaos in the development of the scientific discipline ethnochoreology as a cultural studies and art-study branch of knowledge, the necessity of development of this direction of scientific research for preservation, reproduction and reconstruction of the traditional dance culture of Ukrainians, as well as the creation of new forms and development of the existing stage folk dance as a specific Ukrainian type of dance art; outlined the range of issues that require their immediate solution at the level of creating a conceptual-categorical apparatus of choreographic culture, the phenomenon of dance in a traditional society, its significance for the objective coverage of the existence of the Ukrainian people. The study and research of the Ukrainian ethno-choreological heritage from the time of its appearance as a period of formation of science allows to highlight the leading directions that science has been moving over the next decades, to identify the problems faced by modern folk dance researchers in its traditional dimension and stage form of existence, to outline the leading figures of researchers, which became the founders of the national scientific knowledge about folk dance.
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