piano cycle, avant-garde music,Abstract
The article studies the piano cycle of Quan Zihao "Long and Short Combination" in the aspect of synthesizing the features of national stylistics and the principles of modern composition as a creative method of the composer. The methodology of the research is based on a complex combination of the following methods: theoretical – in the study of conceptual foundations of the specifics of Korean folk tunes with the separation of the category of their unique rhythm, ontological – which allowed to comprehend the origins of the formation of the rhythm of the Koryo people melodies, musicological – in analyzing the style of the composition and identifying a set of factors influencing the specifics of its piano performance, the method of interpreting a piece of music to offer creative processing of the author’s text. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in Ukrainian musicology has the author made a comprehensive analysis of the piano cycle of Quan Zihao "Long and Short Combination" in the sense of realizing the composer’s aspirations for the synthesis of the features of national stylistics and methods of modern composition. While analyzing the Quan Zihao cycle the stylistic features of the work, which were manifested in constant experimentation with the unique rhythms and "lengths of sounds" of the Korean music, are discussed. The sources of the origin of the metro-rhythmic specificity of the Koryo people songs, the role of the accompaniment of a group of traditional different-timbre drums in the origin of the combinations of long and short lengths of sounds are defined, the importance of imitation of the drum timbres by means of the piano during the performance of the cycle is emphasized. The pianists’ attention is drawn to the vibrant music of the work and its wider introduction into the performing practice. Taking into account the methods of working on technical difficulties, an example of the author’s own performing interpretation is offered.
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