

sonata for two violins, musical neo-classicism, neo-folklore, aesthetic quest, compo-sition technique.


The purpose of the article is to outline the aesthetic searches of the twentieth century in the genre of sonata for two violins, in the works of S. Prokofiev, H. M. Gurecki, E. Denisov. Methods of research were: analytical – in the consideration of musical language and principles of dramatic development of selected works; comparative – comparing sonata genre interpretations for two violins in the works of three composers. The novelty of this article is the interpretation of these works in the context of continuity in the development of the sonata genre for two violins. The conclusions. The affiliation of sonatas for two violins by S. Prokofiev, H. M. Gurecki and E. Denisov to neo-classicism and the features of neo-folklorism and other musical directions of the 20th century is substantiated. It is proved that S. Prokofiev made significant innovations in the dramaturgy, thematic development methods and musical-linguistic stylistics which played an experimental role in the musical art continuum of the first third of the 20th century. H. M. Gurecki synthesized a neo-classical approach to form-writing, a neo-folklore approach to the use of folk-instrumental thinking and the composition technique which is characteristic of the new music. E. Denisov said a new word in the violin duet genre on the material of folk song. We see the continuity with S. Prokofiev’s Sonata in the developed linearity, sharpness of the harmonic vertical, variability of metro-rhythmic in the works by G. M. Gurecki and E. Denisov. It outlines future perspectives, including an analysis of the repertoire for two violins through the lens of systematizing historical styles and genres. After all, the composer’s practice of recent years has convincingly proved that the genre of duets – both homogeneous, intended for one instrument, and combining different, sometimes quite contrasting in terms of instruments, still remains highly sought after and brings interesting artistic results.


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