jazz and classical synthesis, jazz elements, classical musical forms, improvisation, cultural traditions, polystylism.Abstract
Contemporary musical culture, constantly evolving, increasingly focuses on the fusion of different genres. The classical style brings a sense of aesthetic completeness and order to compositions. Classical music serves as a kind of reference point, where each element has its place in shaping artistic content. Jazz, on the other hand, introduces the freedom of improvisation, rhythmic complexity, harmonic richness, and the capacity for creative experimentation. The synthesis of jazz and classical music is an essential component in the evolution of global musical culture. The purpose of the research is to identify the influence of jazz rhythmic and harmonic elements on classical forms, their implementation in musical practice, and to explore the unique characteristics that this genre synthesis brings to modern musical art. The methodology is based on musicological, comparative, and structural analysis of musical compositions that demonstrate the synthesis of jazz and classical music. The results of the study reveal that incorporating jazz harmonies and polystylism into classical forms significantly expands the creative possibilities for composers and performers. Jazz elements add dynamism, improvisational freedom, and a unique emotional expressiveness atypical of traditional classical music, which enhances its appeal to a broader audience. Additionally, the application of jazz techniques contributes to the renewal of concert practices and performance approaches in classical music. The novelty of the research lies in highlighting specific techniques and methods that make this synthesis effective in practice. It has been established that the fusion of jazz and classical elements creates a unique sound, distinct among other musical directions, particularly in the works of contemporary composers. Prospects for further research: Further studies may focus on the detailed analysis of specific compositions where jazz and classical elements are fully synthesized, as well as on expanding the repertoire of examples within concert practice. An essential area for future research includes examining the impact of this synthesis on performance styles and compositional thinking, as well as exploring emerging trends in contemporary music.
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