



Joseph Haydn, «The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross», chamber and instrumental performance, sacred churches of Lviv, Lviv Chamber Orchestra «Academy».


The article examines the history and main aspects of the artistic project «Joseph Haydn. The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross». Bright artistic projects, which combine the past and the present with their idea, are able to expand the horizons of our lives. Art is eternal, and cultural heritage is an invaluable treasure of human civilization. «Joseph Haydn. The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross» is not only a musical work, not only a spiritual and artistic project, it is a phenomenon that has come to us as an inheritance from past generations and which we are obliged to pass on to our contemporaries and descendants. The spiritual and artistic project united into a single whole time and space, history and culture, theological word, music and its beautiful performers, the architecture of sacred buildings, where the spirituality of the divine atmosphere was dominant. The research methodology consists in applying the empirical research method, combining observation, interview, comparison, description and generalization. The emphasis is on the history of the performance of the passionate chamber-instrumental ensemble canvas «The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross» by J. Haydn in Lviv sacred temples, as well as on the stylistic preferences generated by the demand of cameralists and the listening audience in the present day against the background of socio-cultural changes after the start of the full-scale war of the Muscovites against Ukraine. Performers, who are the «conductor» of ideas embodied in music, mediators between the author of the musical canvas and the listener, being in the rapid movement of time and space, subtly convey to them their inspiration, their understanding of the main context of the author’s «message», their faith in beauty and harmony. The materials of the study can become the basis for further theoretical understanding, a stimulus for the formation and development of Ukrainian chamber music of the present. The scientific novelty of the study lies in fixing, classifying and creating a general picture of the artistic processes of society. Conclusions. The influence of spiritual and artistic projects on the formation of tastes and the cultural and artistic development of society is invaluable.


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