conductor, conducting activity, world cultural exchange, artistic projects of the 20th century.Abstract
The article highlights the conducting activity in the world cultural exchange of artistic projects of the 20th century. The author considers conductors as active participants in projects that facilitated national musical classics, promoted the spread of musical traditions and strengthened cultural ties between countries. The research methodology is based on the analysis of historical sources, publications in periodicals, as well as on the study of the life activities of the outstanding conductors of the 20th century. The author traces the evolution of the emergence of conducting project activity and reveals its directions in the work of conductors of the world in the 20th centuries (educational and methodological, educational, organizational, creative and interdisciplinary, socio-cultural, technological). It is emphasized that in the 20th century the evolution of the world’s musical culture significantly influenced the development of conducting activity, causing the diversity and uniqueness of the innovative approaches of conductors. The article examines the artistic initiatives of world-famous conductors and analyzes their content. It is revealed that among the artistic projects of the beginning of the 20th century, the initiatives of conductors related to collectives and creative societies, the holding of festivals, competitions and concerts, the production and scenography of operas and theater performances, the international exchange of collectives, media initiatives, etc. stood out. It is noted that the powers of the conductors included the development of scenography, experiments with technologies, advertising, multi-vector work with a team of performers, composers, organization of the event, direction of the action, etc. The author of the article emphasizes that conductors not only contributed to the spread of musical traditions, but also took an active part in political and social processes, promoting the establishment of peaceful relations between countries.
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