



Halyna Menkush, bandura player, repertoire, bandura art, sound recordings, artistic activity, performance art of bandur players.


The article examines the sound recordings of People’s Artist of Ukraine, bandura player Halyna Menkush (born in 1944), which demonstrate her highly professional artistic achievements, reproduce unique interpretations of the diverse bandura repertoire palette, and contribute to the actualization and popularization of the artist’s work. The purpose of the article is a thorough study of H. Menkush’s sound recordings, which play an important role in preserving the performance art of bandurists. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study of the sound recordings of the bandura player in the research discourse is carried out for the first time. Conclusions. Thanks to the unique and exceptionally professional concert and performance activity of H. Menkush, the bandurists’ sound recording treasury has been replenished with high-quality musical samples, including authentic music (traditional and stylized works), various folk and author’s songs, musical Shevchenko, spiritual genres, original and translated instrumental works (in particular, large forms), as well as the artist’s own music. Sound recordings by H. Menkush, which filled the long-playing record “Oy kryknula lebedonka” (1986), audio cassettes “Marusya Churai” (1989), “Our thought, our song” (1990), “Halyna Menkush” (1990), “Songs of Halyna Menkush” (1996), “The Garden of Love” (1996), “Yevshan-potion” (2000), CDs “The Strings of My Heart” (2009), demonstrate the characteristic features of the bandura player’s performance style, impeccable mastery of voice and instrument, as well as her exceptional artistic abilities. They are distinguished by a qualitatively selected multi-genre and multi-style repertoire, which contains musical-aesthetic and educational components. The sound recording practice of H. Menkush reveals one of the most important components of her artistic activity. It is aimed at revealing the unique performance capabilities of the Ukrainian national instrument, at its development and promotion, and, most importantly, at preserving and multiplying the performance art of modern bandurists.


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