education, educational manuals, singing, teacher, musical collections, socio-cultural context.Abstract
The article studies the oldest editions, used by seminarians of Lviv monasteries in the late 16th to 8th centuries to learn the basics of musical literacy and singing of church chants, litanies, Gregorian chorales and irmoloys, on the example of musical educational manuals of that period of time, preserved in the library archive of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy. The purpose of the article is to identify, select and characterize the first and most revealing examples of educational manuals in Lviv, with whose appearance the path to the formation of music education in the city began, as well as to establish the personalities and characteristics of the activities of the leading Lviv teachers as collectors – Vladyslav Vshelyachynskyi and Adolf Khybinskyi. On the example of the Pochaiv Irmologion, the specific features of its publication, content, text design, purpose, characteristic features of binding and printing, and the way of recording musical texts are characterized. The history of the book’s “travel” from the publisher to its current final location in the library of the Mykola Lysenko LNMA was separately researched. The scientific novelty lies in the precedence of the historical and bibliographic research of the earliest editions of Lviv educational music manuals and the collectors’ attributions (stamps, autographs, markings) found in them. It was established that the book had belonged to different owners over the course of several centuries. Based on the works of modern scientists and materials from periodical sources of the late 19th century, the individual figures of Lviv teachers are characterized not only as well-known and outstanding musicians, but also as unique collectors. It is summarized that, by their content and demand, the early editions of educational manuals testify to the development of musical science in Lviv during the period of formation of schooling.
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