


creative personality of Myroslav Antonovych, “Byzantine Choir”, journalism, Conductor, musicologist, Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian musical culture, USA, Holland.


The relevance of the article is due to the need for a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted activity of creative personalities of the musical culture of the Ukrainian diaspora. Today’s realities need creative, passionate people who stimulate the dynamics of the cultural process with their life example. The goal is a comprehensive analysis of the presentation of the activities of the conductor musicologist Myroslav Antonovych in the mirror of diaspora journalism in the USA. The tasks of the article, in accordance with the goal, are: study of the Source material about M. Antonovych and “Byzantine Choir” under his direction; distinguishing the forms and topics of presenting the biography and creative activity of the artist by diasporic journalism. Research methodology is determined by historical, systematic, axiological, cultural approaches and specific methods of scientific knowledge corresponding to them. In particular, the historicalchronological method was used to consider the presentation of the figure of the artist and his choir in US journalism; Source analysis and content analysis made it possible to identify and characterize an array of sources; system classification helped the SNO complex to analyze the forms and topics of this presentation. The source base of the research is the magazines of the Ukrainian diaspora in the USA (“Ekran” and “Visti”), which covered the creative and scientific activities of M. Antonovych and the “Byzantine Choir” led by him from Holland. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the introduction to the scientific circulation of the source material, which complements the previously formed compendium on the personality of M. Antonovych. Conclusions. A comprehensive analysis of the presentation of the activities of the conductor and musicologist Myroslav Antonovych in the mirror of diaspora journalism in the USA made it possible to identify its forms (review articles, analytical, biographical, informative; reports, photo reports) and topics (jubilee, event, scientific, memoir). The results obtained using the proposed methods can be interesting both for specialists and for everyone who is interested in Ukrainian musical culture.


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