


Italian opera, opera house, opera repertoire, performing art, opera festival, theatre group


The process of forming and developing of the classical opera performing art in China in the second half XX–XXI centuries is analyses in article. This period was characterized the hard and difficult sociopolitical situation in the state. It directly influenced to culture and art. On the one hand, the cardinal change of the Chinese domestic and foreign policy had reflected on the cultural and education. On the second hand, losing of the potential possibilities in the time of the Culture Revolution, which bracked developing of the society, was encountered resistance from artists, who had kept own ideas, experience for future generation. Zhou Xiaoyan was one, she brought up the first generation of the Chinese opera singers, who had international recognition. The finding of the regularity of the developing opera performance art of this specified period and the role of the Italian opera XXI century, which is a leading one in the repertoire of the Chinese contemporary opera houses, are an aim of the study. The scientific novelty of the article is that the Italian opera repertoire in the leading opera houses of China is systematized for the first time: Center of the studying of the young opera singers named Zhou Xiaoyan at the Shanghai Conservatory, National Chinese Opera House, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Guangzhou Opera House, Shanghai Opera House. Methodology. Historical method, method culturological analyses, systematical approach in the analyzing modern repertoire of the Chinese opera houses. Conclusion. The modern situation of the music performance art is in state of the increase since the 80s, each next period is characterized the emergence of a new Cultural Center, expansion and strengthening of the international relationship, increasing of popularity of the Chinese cultural platforms for soloists and musical groups from many countries of the world.


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