historically informed performance, partes music, interpretation, rhythm, rhythmic inequalityAbstract
Interpretation of baroque music in accordance with the historically informed performance has been a relevant trend in performing practice since the middle of the 20th century. Historically informed interpretation is based on musical and esthetic sources of the epoch. Each historically informed performance considers major conventions in performing practice of the time. Interpreting Ukrainian baroque music, we encounter the lack of sources that would explain how that music was executed. This paper addresses the issue of rhythm interpretation in partes music considering the freedom and improvisational nature of baroque style. In order to effectively approach Ukrainian baroque performance practice, we need to place it into a European context. Interrelationship between national cultures and emerging trends in baroque musical language was an important characteristic of the baroque style. Not only the musical expression, but also performing techniques were adapted and transformed within different national cultures. Hence, materials that explain the western European performing conventions are considered in the article. The publication addresses the phenomenon of rhythm interpretation, specifically the rhythmic inequality of even short note values. Modification of the rhythmic pattern by the performer can be justified only in the special melodic, temporal, textural, and effectual context. Thoughtful implementation of the early practices, the ability to discern the necessity and quantity of performing means are the most important functions of the modern historically informed performer. Rhythmic modifications as an expressive tool may create a new and bright sonic image of the famous and unknown Ukrainian baroque compositions.
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