


transgressive processes, time, space, Valentyn Silvestrov, Ghia Kancheli, Arvo Pärt


The article gives a concise interpretation of the multidimensional concept, traces the transgressive processes in the work of artists who began their work in the USSR and completed it or still carry it out in radically different social and political conditions: Valentin Sylvestrov from Ukraine, Giia Kancheli from Georgia, and Arvo Pärta from Estonia. Transgression and reduction are considered as a dialectical opposition in which supposedly opposite poles complement each other in search of new content and meanings in music. The transgression of time and space through reduction in the works of selected composers is investigated. In contrast to the narrowing of global space and the strengthening of the sense of time, when due to the excess of received information, a huge number of impressions and observations change in reverse chronological order, the music of the mentioned composers cultivates a slowed-down, sometimes stopped time that flows with the current and allows you to dive into the depths; vibrating space that changes configurations; reaching a point where the listener gets the impression of the multidimensionality of the sound space-time of the universe. The article explains the paradox: being deliberately “non-modern”, going against the tempo of modern life, these composers received universal recognition and gained popularity in professional circles and among a wide audience of music lovers. The main reason for the public demand for such music was the need to balance the overly aggressive, tense pulse of everyday life with a suspended moment that allows you to focus on the personal world, to balance the outer and inner levels. This is not even the usual “relief of stress” or relaxation, for which special recordings and music programs are also being prepared. It is about a much deeper spiritual level of the individual, when, plunging into the musical matter of vibrating space-time, he reaches a real catharsis, conducting his “dialogue with God”.


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