music management, Russian-Ukrainian war, classical music, vision, concept, art projectAbstract
The aim of the article is to analyse the concept of the creation and functioning of academic music concerts on the background of social and cultural changes after the beginning of a full-scale invasion in Ukraine. The research compares the experience of organising music projects in Ukraine and abroad. The author aims to substantiate the typical characteristics of the projects implemented during the war and consider their differences to single out the conceptual and methodological approach in the creation of artistic products for the needs of future projects. The data obtained during the scientific processing will serve as a basis for the development of conceptual and methodological approaches to the needs of the implementation of future art projects. The research methodology is based on an empirical research method combining observation, interviews, comparison, description and generalisation. The information obtained with the help of the mentioned methods can become the basis for further theoretical interpretation and a stimulus influencing the processes in the field of academic music in Ukraine. The article analyses the work experience of Ukrainian art curators and music managers in extreme conditions, which, according to the author's thesis, became the factor that caused a reinterpretation of practical skills and approaches in the entire professional environment to a change in habitus (as defined by Pierre Bourdieu) of a social group. The scientific novelty of the study is in fixing, classifying and creating new visions that reflect the work processes of music managers during unprecedented changes in Ukraine. Considering the relatively short period since the beginning of the processes analysed in the article, it is worth mentioning that the Ukrainian scientific community still needs to produce a sufficient number of works on the proposed topic. Therefore, the undeveloped nature of this scientific field is a factor affecting the relevance of the research. Conclusions. The Russian-Ukrainian war became a key factor in the worldview changes of the Ukrainian cultural community. It affected the work of managers, artists, performers, curators and workers in the artistic and creative industry. Musical art as a communication tool plays an essential role in establishing Ukraine's position abroad and in the development of Ukrainian culture. Instead, the reorganization and functioning of the music community in the country during the war proved a strong position and readiness to strengthen the rear and work for the victory of Ukraine.
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