
  • Natalia Syrotynska


byzantine hymnography, sacred monody, liturgical chants, heirmologion, rhetoric, irmos, canon.


Poetic richness of the Christian rite formed for centuries on ancient poetry and philosophy, Scripture and sermons Holy Fathers. Thise origenes were true basis of the large body of liturgical chants. In the future, they really influenced future cultural development of the Slavic peoples, including Ukrainian. On the example of the Heirmos of the first ode Kozma Mayumskyy’s Assumption canon, research the basic structure of sacred monody, which explain connection poetic text and melody. This composition arrangement facilitates provision theological meaning accents. This practice has ancient roots. The early period of Christianity rite focused on the dialogue of the Christian doctrine and secular education, based on ancient tradition. Particular influence belong the Alexandrian school, where were learned Scripture, classical poetry, grammar, rhetoric, history, mathematics, cosmography, ancient philosophy, and Eastern religious teach-ings: Egyptian, Persian, Indian etc. This experience influenced on the formation of the Christian worship, particularly in the poetic splendor of the liturgical texts. Artistic effect achieved by using sophisticated means of poetry: worlds plays, symmetry considerations, alliteration, parallelism etc. On this basis, the bright poetic form become a characteristic features of the medieval hymnohraphy, and in these way was distributed Christian doctrines. The period of special scientific interest in Byzantine hymnohraphy associated with the opening of the cardinal J-B. Pitre, who in his work “Hymnographie de l'Église greque” for the first discovered the poetic structure of the sacred chants. This idea opened the new phase of researching of the hymnohraphy genres, also thise way opened a new perception the liturgical chants. It’s important, that the Pitre’s opening and its significance for medieval studies, wrote Lviv’s theologian Mykhajlo Zaleski Lviv at the beginning of the twentieth century. Later, scientist Roman Jakobson suggested about the preservation of the metrics and composi-tional forms for the Greek translation of the liturgical texts in Slavonic language. It’s very important evidence of the preservation the Greek melodies in the chants of the Slavs-Russian rite. Such an artistic perfection of the liturgical chant along with laconic theological content proves not only consummate content of Ukrainian sacral monody but also persuades in pro-bable continuity of Greek-Byzantium tradition.


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