
  • Vasyl Chuchman


Yevhen Vakhniak, Zynovii Demtsiukh, choral performance, Lviv conducting school, Galicia choral tradition, choral culture of Ukraine.


The scientific novelty. In this article we made for the first time a comparison study of the creative work of two prominent representatives of Lviv conducting school, Yevhen Vakhniak and Zynovii Demtsiukh. We described the main moral and ethical basis and artistic and aesthetical orienting points of the creative life of both conductors, we studied the genesis of their individual performing styles and pedagogical methods. We described the influence of regional traditions, performing schools and some significant persons on the content, forms, methods, aims and results of the creative work of conductors and choirs they leaded. We defined the personal contribution of the artists into the development of choir culture in Ukraine. The aim of this article consists in definition of main mechanisms assuring the inheritance of choral tradition. The methodology provides for a combined application of historical and genetic, analytical, comparative, musicological, psychological and typological and cultural studies. Conclusions. The main mechanisms assuring the inheritance of choral tradition are conductor and performing schools. They develop around outstanding artistic personalities and become a result of their multiyear performing practice and pedagogical activity. Each school may be influenced with many traditions, and at the same time, several schools might cooperate within the same tradition. In Galicia, in virtue of the particularity of historical and cultural evolution of this region, the choral tradition, beside some artistic and aesthetic background, is based on a strong social and ethical foundations that represent a composition of national patriotic ideas and humanist principles of Christianity. Numerous followers of Ye. Vakhniak and Z. Demtsiukh conducting schools continue precisely this paradigm of creative work. The results of this study will contribute to the formation of professional priorities of modern conductors in practice, will be used as educational learning material for conductor-teachers and might be used for elaboration of the history of Ukrainian choral art lecture courses.


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