

camp of prisoners, choir, orchestra, conductor, concert, tour.


The perpose of research is to make tha retrospective analisis in music choral activity of Ye. Turula in 1915-1918; to highlight the work in the camps for captives of the tsarist Russian army in Austria and Germany; to systematize eyewitness recollections, to review the cultural and artistic chronicle of the camp and foreign press about conductor, music, pedagogical and composer activity.The methodology of the work is based on a comparative analysis of the memories of eyewitnesses – employees of the Union of Liberation of Ukraine, publications in the press and archival sources. Scientific novelty. The study for the first time considers the period of musical and choral activity in Austria and Germany in the camps of Ukrainian captives of the tsarist army during World War I; the materials of the camp press of 1915-1918, the memories of those who collaborated with Ye. Turula at that time, were introduced into scientific circulation. Conclusions: Ye. Turula actively and selflessly worked in the camps of captive Ukrainians to create choirs, orchestras, organized and led a school of teaching music theory, singing, playing instruments, conductor courses. By combat and patriotic repertoire he contributed to the upbringing of the national consciousness of the Ukrainian prisoners of war. The art groups in the camp and the Berlin Men's Choir under the direction of Ye. Turula have reached a high level, had good fame and were good promoters of Ukrainian song, music and Ukraine in Europe.


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