ancient China, philosophical works, music criticism, aesthetics of music, musical pedagogy.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study the main works of thinkers of ancient China through the prism of their philosophical-aesthetic and critical views on music, which became important in the process of becoming a systematic music pedagogy. The methodology of the research is based on a complex combination of historical, chronological, systemic and musicological and analy-tical methods. The scientific novelty lies in the study and systematization of the early manifes-tations of music-pedagogical activity of philosopher of ancient China in the light of their under-standing of the aesthetic and educational purpose of music. Conclusions. In the presented intelli-gence based on the analysis of the works of philosophers VI–IV centuries B.C. – Shi Kuang, Confucius and Zunzi and the analysis of the most important events of their life, recorded in the form of dialogical discourses by the first followers of Confucian doctrine, philosophers and historians Sima Qiang and Liu Xin, regulatory mechanisms and principles of preparation and implementation of early forms of the educational process are characterized. It has been resear-ched that such conversations were held with the broadest sections of the population in order to clarify the need to study and perform songs, to be able to distinguish between those that con-tribute to the education of the morals and decent behavior of each individual; discovered the first in Chinese music history an example of a methodological and pedagogical approach to studying the performance of instrumental marches in the sense of the importance of achieving the necessary unified mood of large masses of people and the rhythmic consistency in the game of a large team; the way of teaching and disseminating music knowledge was to organize the first own schools and academy, which were not spontaneously associated with a specific special area but operated spontaneously in different localities. The importance in the musical education of the social and educational function of music, the preparation of universal performers, training in the way of collective mental activity and awareness of the importance of consistent, divided into four stages, training.
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