

wind instruments, sound extraction, mute, glissando, vibrato, permanent breathing, chords.


The article examines the modern performing instruments of the wind instruments, which emerged in the music of the twentieth century in connection with the emergence of new styles in the composer’s creative work and the expansion of the possibilities of musical performance. The purpose of the work is to systematize, streamline and classify modern performing instruments of playing wind instruments, explaining their nature, technology of performing, correct recording on a musical condition and revealing their importance in the performance of musicians. The methodology is based on the principles of systematic cognition of reality, which is based on different cognitive and research approaches and helps the modern musician, educated in the traditions of classical school, to be guided in the latest performing methods and practices. The scientific novelty is to find out the nature of the origin and outline the prospects for the deve-lopment of the latest performing instruments for the production of sound and wind instruments. The Conclusions state that the emergence of the newest instruments of the wind instrument was influenced by the logic of modern composer’s thinking and in connection with the process of finding new qualities of musical sound, combined with the expansion of expressive capabilities of musical instruments.


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