polyphonic cycle, mini-cycle, analysis of polyphonic form, interpretation, perfor-mance problems.Abstract
The research is devoted to the polyphonic opus «12 Preludes and Fugues» of the famous contemporary Ukrainian composer Olexander Yakovchuk, the ideas of the performance inter-pretation of some of his mini-cycles. The goal of the work. To study the polyphonic cycle «12 Preludes and Fugues» by O. Yakovchuk, to consider the peculiarities and principles of its construction, to analyze performance problems and to identify possible directions in the work of musician-interpreter in certain works. The methodology of the research is based on the applying the following methods: the method of musical analysis in order to identify the patterns and distinctive features of the musical language, structural-compositional and textural features of polyphonic works; methods of polyphonic analysis and analysis of musical form with the purpose of revealing the lines of polyphonic thinking of the composer, studying compositional peculiarities and models of creating polyphonic works in a cycle; the method of interpretative and music-semantic analysis in order to clarify and comprehend the author’s artistic concept and to identify the specific features of its artistic interpretation. The scientific novelty of this study is determined by the fact that a novel and extensive theoretical, performing and descriptive and interpretative analysis of two mini-cycles – «in C» and «in F» from the polyphonic opus «12 Preludes and Fugues» by A. Yakovchuk is made. Conclusions. The extensive analysis of the structure of two mini-cycles of O. Yakovchuk’s polyphonic opus («in C» and «in F») made it possible to identify in them the most significant performing aspects and to conclude that this cycle is of great interest for further study in the field of interpretation. Olexander Yakovchuk made a great contribution to the development of a professional polyphonic piano school, and his cycle «12 Preludes and Fugues» is an example of a high level of proficiency in polyphonic technique, which fully reflects the unique style of the composer whose creative activity deserves a profound presentation on the music scene.
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