
  • Natalia Syrotynska


Lviv’s irmologion, Lyubachiv’s irmologion, Gorbkiv’s irmologion, byzantine hymnography, monody, mutation, passionate antiphons.


The topic of particular person attitude towards mystery of death took an important place in world culture from the ancient senturies. This subject is one of the main theme in terms of formation of sacral ceremonies throughout the millennia from paganism times to Christianity. Therefore Christians also celebrate forgiveness of sins: it became possible through crucified and revived Jesus Christ’s sufferings. Week which precedes this event got the name of the Week or Holy Week. The religious service of Good Friday is distinguished by divine services of this period, where the cycle of the fifteen passionate antiphons are placed. It is chants which are devoted to the last hours of Christ Rescuer’s life. An importance of the cycle certifies its presence in a repertoire of Ukrainian stave irmologions of the 16th–17th centuries. The article presents a comparative analysis of the cycle of the 15 passionate antiphons of Good Friday. They are placed in the three Ukrainian linear irmologions of the different time periods: Lviv’s irmologion of the end of the 16th century, Lyubachiv’s irmologion (1674) and Gorbkiv’s Irmologion (1650–1675). We compare three versions of the passionate antiphons from the different irmologions and identify the features of the each manuscript. This appeare in the using differen musical means of development: mutations, pitch parameters, keys etc. There are also lexical differences of the Church Slavonic texts, this is due to development of the language over a hundred years. However, the monodic melody hardly changes. This confirms the continuity of the singing medieval traditions in the Ukrainian liturgical monody practice.


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