


Ivan Nebesnyy, chamber music, electroacoustic music, chamber instrumental, chamber vocal works, electronic music, ensemble, genre, style, modern compositional techniques, analysis of musical works.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the chamber music of the outstanding Ukrainian composer, Honored Artist of Ukraine, and music producer Ivan Nebesnyy. The composer’s creative output covers a wide range of genres, including chamber and choral compositions, symphonic works, operas, ballet, music for theatrical performances and films, and experimental multimedia projects. The aim of the work is to study the genre and stylistic diversity of Ivan Nebesnyy’s chamber music, which is an important phenomenon of modern Ukrainian musical culture. The article analyzes the composer’s chamber music from the point of view of its figurative content, focusing on the philosophical depth and conceptual ideas of his works. Special emphasis is placed on the innovative features of the composer’s creative style, in the field of timbre solutions. This is manifested in the use of a combination of acoustic and electronic sound sources within one composition. Ivan Nebesnyy’s work organically combines deep spirituality with a modern musical vision, demonstrating the artist’s ability to sensitively respond to the realities of the present. The philosophical depth of his works testifies to the composer’s ability to reveal complex themes of human existence through the means of sound. Ivan Nebesnyy’s chamber music is distinguished by a wide range of genre and style searches, a synthesis of traditional and modern means of musical expression, as well as the integration of electronic means into classical musical forms. The composer’s works encompass both purely acoustic ensembles and mixed formations using electronic methods, which reflects his desire for experimentation. The composer’s innovative solutions expand the timbre and sound palette, create a new musical space for chamber ensembles, using modern musical language, musical expressive means, and the introduction of electronic sound elements into chamber works. The works of Ivan Nebesnyy not only enriches Ukrainian musical culture, but also establishes it in the world musical space, emphasizing the uniqueness and relevance of national art.


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Cущенко Ю. Одеситів познайомили із музикою Івана Небесного (фото, відео). URL:

Композитор Іван Небесний. URL:

Ivan Nebesnyy. Composer, music producer. URL:

