


Andronyk Stepovych, Franyo Kukhach, Mykola Lysenko, Galagan Collegium, «Stara Hromada».


The article is devoted to the life and music-critical heritage of the Ukrainian Slavist scientist Andronyk Stepovych. For various reasons, the scientist’s name remained in the shadows for many years. However, it deserves close attention not only of historians and philologists, but also of musicologists. A talented pupil of the Pavel Galagan Collegium with Montenegrin genesis, Andronyk Stepovych felt a vocation in two directions from a young age – Slavic studies and music. He successfully graduated from the university, engaged in teaching and scientific work, studied Slavic documents abroad, and contributed to the development of inter-Slavic relations. Form or ethane ten years, A. Stepovych held the position of director of the Collegium, where he continued the traditions of its founder – the cultural figure and philanthropist Hryhori Galagan. Close relations with his family, and then with the members of the Kyiv «Stara Hromada», determined the outlook and cultural and scientific development of the scientist. Even in his youth, at the Collegium, A. Stepovych also received a thorough musical education and practical musical experience (among other things, he sang in M. Lysenko’s choir), which allowed him to later include musical explorations in his scientific area. In addition to Memories of Mykola Lysenko, the scientist wrote an essay on the song collection of the Croatian folklorist and musicologist F. Kuhach, in which he acts as an expert on Slavic ethnography, uses the tools of musical analysis, and expresses his views on the complex situation in the field of music education and society in Kyiv and the local RMT branch.


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