



Yu. Yasinovskyi, Ukrainian irmologions, five-line notation, sacred monody, Greek- Byzantine hymnography, Kievan Rus.


The article examines the scientific achievements of the Ukrainian musicologist-medievalist Yury Yasinovskyi, whose 80th anniversary is celebrated on September 10, 2024. The scientist’s scientific interests are focused on the study of the ancient period of Ukrainian music, in particular, the Middle Ages and Baroque. The scientist’s long-term work is devoted to the study of liturgical books of the Princely era, as well as an innovative type of Ukrainian liturgical collections – Irmologions of the 16th-18th centuries. These collections arose due to the creation of five-line notation in Ukraine at the end of the 16th century and became representatives of a combination of Greek-Byzantine and Western European influences. The importance of Irmologions is emphasized in the publication by Yury Yasinovskyi of the Catalog «Ukrainian and Belarusian notolinear Irmoloi 16–18 centuries» with a record of 1,111 of the specified musical monuments. The defining goal of Yu. Yasinovskyi’s scientific search is highlighted, focused around the functioning of irmologions in the socio-cultural space of baroque Ukraine, as well as in the context of the continuity of medieval half-century practice. The study of irmoloys, their genre repertoire and functioning in the socio-cultural environment of Ukraine has always remained at the epicenter of Yuri Yasinovskyi’s continuous research work. The long processes of searching for irmologions, their codicological-paleographic studies, the study of the structure, conditions of creation and filling are emphasized, which allowed Yu. Yasinovskyi to delve deeper into the context of the functioning of irmoloy singing. In this perspective, the successive directions of his scientific and organizational projects, as well as the publication of the conceptual monograph «Byzantine hymnography and church monody in the Ukrainian reception of the early modern period» become fully understandable. The active activity of Yu. Yasinovsky, aimed at the development of medieval studies, in particular, the establishment of the Department of Ukrainian Music Studies of the LDMA named after M. Lysenko, Institute of Liturgical Sciences at the Ukrainian Catholic University, regularly holding conferences on the history and theory of sacred monody and hymnography, summer regency schools, thematic seminars and publishing series. The Byzantine reception of the Ukrainian monody is emphasized, in the course of which the Ukrainian culture acquires deep internal traditions and the continuity of the heritage of the Ancient World. This emphasizes the importance of sacred music as the basis of the enrichment of national culture, as well as an actual way to build a holistic vision of the evolution of Ukrainian music over the millennium.


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