Taras Petrynenko, Ukrainian rock music, musical culture, Ukrainian pop music, patriotic song, national-cultural identity.Abstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the songwriting of the prominent contemporary Ukrainian artist Taras Petrynenko in the socio-cultural and political context of Ukraine in the second half of the 1980s. His songs are considered an important tool for political protest, national mobilization, and a means of expressing the cultural identity of the Ukrainian people during the gradual decline of the Soviet totalitarian regime. The main goal of the research is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the interaction between Taras Petrynenko’s works and the societal trends of that period, particularly focusing on the process of national self-identification among Ukrainians. Special attention is given to examining the role of his songs as an emotional vehicle for political commentary and the development of patriotic sentiments, which contributed to the rise of national consciousness and laid the groundwork for further socio-political transformations. The study aims to analyze Petrynenko’s musical legacy from this period within the context of sociocultural resistance to the Soviet system, which was already undergoing significant changes at that time. Emphasis is also placed on the patriotic content of his songs and their impact on shaping Ukrainian national awareness. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the first comprehensive evaluation of Taras Petrynenko’s music, particularly its influence on public sentiment and political mobilization in Ukraine during the transformative processes of the second half of the 1980s. It was found that his songs significantly contributed to social transformations and civic engagement. Petrynenko’s creativity became not only a vital part of Ukrainian musical culture but also an important instrument for political and socio-cultural mobilization. Despite Soviet censorship and repression, his songs created a space for the expression of national aspirations and played a crucial role in fostering patriotic sentiments, which ultimately contributed to Ukraine’s attainment of state independence.
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