song, Ukrainian songwriting, war, songs of military times, World War I, World War II, Russian invasion of Ukraine.Abstract
The article examines the trends in the development of Ukrainian songwriting during the First World War, the Second World War and the period of the modern Russian invasion of Ukraine. Music has had a significant impact on people for centuries, the ability of melodies to awaken various emotions has been known since ancient times. Ukraine has long been known for its rich musical heritage. In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, songs became an important source of inspiration and support for both the military and the Ukrainian community in general. They have become a significant tool in the struggle for national freedom and independence, preservation of cultural identity and maintenance of spiritual unity. The Ukrainian song tradition of military times is considered in the context of three periods: the First World War, the Second World War and the modern Russian invasion of Ukraine. Of course, such texts appeared at first as individual works, but soon they were accepted and adapted by a wide audience, turning into folklore variations that became part of popular culture. The peculiarities of songwriting during the previous wars are analyzed, the trends of the development of Ukrainian songwriting during the First World War, the Second World War and the period of the modern Russian invasion of Ukraine are determined. Since the times of the First World War, Ukrainian wartime songwriting has undergone significant changes, which are connected with the transformation of society and the peculiarities of its communication, such characteristic innovative features of Ukrainian songwriting of the modern period of struggle were identified, such as addressing the enemy in the works, highlighting his weakness, powerlessness, expectation of retribution; dance and optimistic mood of the songs, their charge of positivity, sarcasm; international recognition of Ukrainian songwriting and its use for the purpose of popularizing our country.
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