


Borys Liatoshynsky`s Third symphony, symphonic creativity of Borys Liatoshynsky, version, autograph, manuscript, Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine, Borys Liatoshynsky`s Cabinet-Museum.


The chronology of Borys Liatoshynsky`s work on the Third symphony first version was studied. It has been established that about 12 years passed from the idea of a new piece (1939) to the completed score of the first version (1951). According to the composer`s epistolary were resumed the stages of work on the symphony and preparation of its premiere performance, which took place on October 25, 1951 within the 6th Plenum of the Union of Soviet Composers of Ukraine. Based on the shorthand records of the 6th Plenum of the Union of Soviet Composers of Ukraine and newly discovered primary sources, a rethinking of the rooted in musicology view of the Third Symphony first version is proposed. It has been documented that during the preparation of the first version for premiere performance at the 6th Plenum, Borys Liatoshynsky edited the symphony twice. Completed on August 16, 1951, the score was presented to the future performer – conductor Natan Rakhlin. Having familiarized himself with the score (before rehearsals begin), Rakhlin offered Liatoshynsky to make some corrections in the IV movement. The composer heeded Rakhlin`s advice and edited the final movement of the symphony. Rehearsals for the concert began in early October 1951. On October 15, the chamber-symphonic section of the Union of Soviet Composers of Ukraine listened to the Third Symphony (already with the IV movement edited according to the Rakhlin`s advice). Despite the changes made, the work encountered comprehensive ideological criticism. Because of this, Borys Liatoshynsky was forced to edit the final movement a second time, and, according to the statement of Petro Poliakov, make changes in the III movement. These facts led me to distinguish between three adaptations of the first version. Adaptation 1.0 is proposed to be called the score completed by Liatoshynsky without external interventions; adaptation 1.1 – the symphony with edits according to Rakhlin`s advice; adaptation 1.2 – the second editing of the piece before the premiere performance at the 6th Plenum. At the end of the article, a textual analysis of the fragments of the autograph score of the IV movement is presented, which proves Liatoshynsky`s intensive work and the obvious presence of considerable edits already in the first edition of the final movement. Currently established in Ukrainian musicology and concert practice, the appearance of the Third Symphony first version doesn`t present the work in its original form, devoid of ideological oppression. The textual analysis established that the currently known IV movement of the first version is represented by adaptation 1.2. The preparation of the original adaptation 1.0 authentic score requires further research.


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