Volodymyr Hoshovskyi, UNSACAT, Yuriy Yasinovskiy, “Irmos” Database, ethnomusicology, ukrainian sacred monody, irmologion.Abstract
The relevance of the article is due to the need to understand the use of computer technologies in Ukraine in the field of musicology. The experience gained is important for the formation of tasks and methods of music research from the standpoint of modern technological innovations. The goal is to determine the characteristic features of the computer projects of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasinovskyi and to propose a new model for the study of the Ukrainian sacred monody of the XVI–XVIII centuries. The tasks of the article, in accordance with the goal, are: identifying the content of the computer projects of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasinovskyi in the field of ethnomusicology and musical medieval studies, as well as formulating a method for studying sacred monody from the standpoint of modern technological possibilities. The research methodology is determined by the systematic and structural methods of scientific knowledge. In particular, the historical-chronological and source study methods are used to consider the scientific research approaches of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and Yuriy Yasinovskyi. The comparative method made it possible to understand the experience of Ukrainian scientists and to propose the model for the study of Ukrainian sacred monody of the XVI–XVIII centuries. The source base of the research is specialized literature according to the defined tasks. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the review of computer projects used in scientific musicology circulation and the definition of the research model of the Ukrainian sacred monody of the XVI–XVIII centuries. Conclusions. The experience of the UNSACAT computer system of Volodymyr Hoshovskyi and the digital archive of Yuriy Yasinovskyi of The “Irmos” Database attests to the promising application of technological innovations both in the field of ethnomusicology and medieval music studies. At the current stage, the use of the computer technologies for the classification, systematization and analysis of musical texts is an appropriate and relevant new method for the study of Ukrainian sacred monody of the XVI–XVIII centuries. The formula-singing structure of the monadic melody, as well as the musicalpoetic dichotomy of the medieval singing repertoire, determines the need for the use of linguistic research techniques. This approach will make it possible to start a multidisciplinary computer research project of medieval music based on the material of Ukrainian notological irmologions of the XVI–XVIII centuries.
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