spiritual song, ancient Ukrainian texts, historical and cultural context.Abstract
Ukrainian spiritual song is the main topic of research of the author of this article. The tasks raised in the article cover the historical, theoretical, source, terminological and musicological aspects of this issue, which is actually the result of previous observations. It is important to update these studies and pave the way for further exploration.The author also refers to historical and literary studies on the lyrics of spiritual songs, in particular M. Hrushevsky, I. Franko. Analyzes the state of modern scientific research, among which the proposed concepts need to be refined and continued. An important discourse is the conditions for the creation of a spiritual song: in the Baroque era in the Ukrainian lands there was a variety of spiritual currents: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant. Originating in the process of communicating with European culture, it is in our environment that this art united different denominations at the musical and artistic level. Many texts were translated into the Church Slavonic language of the Ukrainian edition and Old Ukrainian, and even served as inspiration for the creation of new chants. Territorially, the regions where manuscripts and printed sources of Ruthenian-Ukrainian texts are preserved are outlined. The question of terminological definition of selected sources is raised. "Spiritual song", "spiritual chant" are considered by the author to be the most appropriate, because "psalm" and "spiritual poetry", "paraliturgical song", "extra-church song", "psalm" or "psalm" do not fully reflect the semantic and performance content of the texts of this work . The aim of the research is to present Ukrainian spiritual song in interdisciplinarity: a combination of musicological and historical-cultural vision. The basis of such observations should be source-textual analysis of musical and poetic texts. The collaboration of linguists and musicologists in this field should unite and complement each other.
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