



piano, sonata, accordion/bayan, arrangement, genre, style, musical and expressive means, classicism, academicization of the instrument.


It is noted that musical arrangements are classified according to the degree of proximity to the original source, the variability of overtoning. It is emphasized that, while preserving the figurative and emotional load, as well as the architectonics, melodic and harmonic basis, the arrangements are performed in a qualitatively new sound, taking into account the timbre and technical features of the instrument for which the arrangement is made. These parameters became dominant in the arrangement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 f-moll for accordion/bayan. A thorough analysis of the four-movement cycle in terms of the following parameters: musical and expressive features, architectonics of the work (four movements and the cycle), principles of development in each movement, made it possible to reveal the basic principles of the Viennese classical school, namely clarity and precision of forms – sonata allegro, three-movement, twomovement; brightness and expressiveness of thematic material, tracing the principles of working with thematic material; allowed to penetrate deeply into the figurative and mood content of the original work and choose the most optimal methods of its arrangement for a new instrument – accordion/bayan. The dominant techniques in this process are those that serve to preserve the sound and expressive palette of the piano. Therefore, the main attention is paid to the bellows pulling in accordance with the structuring of the thematic material, phrasing. It is noted that the performance of dynamic gradations (pp–ff) on the accordion is achieved by the force of the bellows tension; to perform complex techniques and maintain the complementarity of movements, it is necessary to set the fingering; preservation of the timbral unity of the original is achieved by choosing the appropriate register, redistribution of the texture presentation. Some difficult moments in the arrangement require minor changes: wide arpeggiated passages are replaced by repeated short arpeggios, sometimes the middle voice is omitted, etc.


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