


chamber-instrumental ensemble, chamber-instrumental performance, festival, anthology, art project.


The history and main aspects of the Lviv Festival “Anthology of Ukrainian Chamber and Instrumental Music” are highlighted. The methodology of the work is based on an empirical research method combining observation, interview, comparison, description and generalization. The information obtained with the help of the proposed methods can become the basis for further theoretical understanding and a stimulus capable of influencing the processes of development of Ukrainian chamber music in Ukraine and the world. Festival “Anthology of Ukrainian chamberinstrumental music” [authors of the idea and moderators of the project: candidate of art history, head of the department of chamber ensemble and quartet, professor Tetyana Slyusar; Candidate of Art History (Doctor of Philosophy, Ph. D), Associate Professor Nina Dyka] for three years has been fulfilling his vocation in discovering the known and unknown chamber music universe of Ukrainian composers – from classical and modern to the work of young people. The retrospective project of Ukrainian chamber music [authors of the idea and moderators] is designed to highlight the dimension of intellectual, emotional and psychological impressions of the chamber-instrumental canvases of Ukrainian composers from the past to the present. The goal of the Festival was to create a comprehensive panorama of the formation and development of musical culture. Attention is focused on repertoire policy, premiere performances of chamber works by Ukrainian composers, stylistic preferences generated by the demand of the listening audience in the present time against the background of socio-cultural changes after the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the work consists in recording, classifying and creating an overall picture of the festival movement, highlighting the deep spiritual processes that continue to permeate society. Conclusions. Russia’s war against Ukraine, which began in 2014 and on February 24, 2022, entered the phase of a full-scale invasion, changed the world and led to a reassessment of spiritual and worldview values. The impact on the formation of tastes and the cultural and artistic cognitive development of society is invaluable.


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