



Victor Kaminsky, symphony, Ukrainian symphonic music, timbre, intonation, drama, composition, monotheme, neo-folklore.


The article examines the work of the contemporary Ukrainian composer Viktor Kaminsky, whose oeuvre includes a significant number of symphonic, choral, chamber and vocal works, as well as music for theatre performances and pop songs. The subject of the study is V. Kaminsky's First Symphony (1982), which represents the early period of the composer's work and at the same time is a vivid example of Ukrainian symphonic music of the last decades of the twentieth century. The history of the composition and performance of the Symphony is described, the relevance of studying and performing this original work is emphasised. V. Kaminsky's First Symphony is analysed in terms of the peculiarities of style, compositional structure, intonational drama, and orchestration features. It is determined that in terms of style, the First Symphony continues the neo-folklore line, which is closely related to national musical traditions. The large-scale three-movement composition of the Symphony is considered in detail: the peculiarities of the intonational drama of the work, based on the transformations of the key mono-thematic complex of the introduction to the first movement, are determined. The originality of the orchestral composition of the work is emphasised: the score does not contain brass (except for the French horn) and percussion groups, and the divisi technique is often used. The purpose of these features is to create an exceptionally plastic, transparent and at the same time powerful sound of the orchestra. The key feature of V. Kaminsky's orchestral writing in the First Symphony is the individualisation of timbres, giving the solo instruments the features of "characters". It is noted that the composer combines traditional non-folklore stylistic techniques (reproduction of dance "kolomyik" rhythms, stylisation of folk melodies, imitation of folk instrumental playing) with modern sonorous, rhythmic and timbre effects ("prepared piano"). The necessity of further study and performance of V. Kaminsky's First Symphony – a pearl of Ukrainian instrumental music – is emphasized.


Антошевська В. Симфонія № 1. Віктор Камінський. URL: https://ukrainianlive.org/kaminskyi-symphony-1

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