


conductor Dmytro Kotko, choral art, folklore, culture, genre, musical and expressive means, intercultural communication, Ukrainian-Polish relations


The purpose of this article is to focus on the artistic contacts of Dmytro Kotko, Ukrainian choral conductor and organizer of choirs, with Polish musicians: Feliks Nowowiejski, Jan Kiepura, Bolesław Wallek-Walewski, Adam Wieniawski. The feedbacks of the above-mentioned Polish artists, as well as reviews of influential music critics Alfred Jendl, Henryk Apte, Alfred Plohn contribute to clear evaluation of the artistic phenomenon of D. Kotko choirs and reveal the objective basis and the nature of communication between musicians, representatives of different national cultures, and art schools. The objective coverage of events and facts related to artistic contacts of Ukrainians and Poles in the area of choral art during the interwar period is an important and relevant aspect of study of Ukrainian-Polish relations being favorable to cultural cooperation and mutual understanding. Written memoirs of the singers of D. Kotko choirs and publications of Polish press of that time are the source base of the article. We used a complex of methods to study them: source studies, search and research, biographical, analytical, musicological and culturological methods. The elements of scientific novelty are the focus on creative work of D. Kotko in the context of Ukrainian-Polish intercultural communication, as well as the research component of the study. The list of references contains active links to the publications posted on the official websites of relevant periodicals. Conclusions. D. Kotko’s artistic contacts with Polish musicians were mainly short-term meetings, which sometimes turned into personal acquaintance and further creative cooperation that was taking form of constructive intercultural communication in the context of concert and performing activity. The high-quality artistic material created by the conductor and the chanters based on the creations of Ukrainian national choral heritage was the basis of such a communication. Despite the difficult socio-cultural circumstances, D. Kotko managed to create on the territory of Polish State a Ukrainian choir which represented Ukrainian choral art, gained a positive resonance in socio-cultural environment, and had a high appreciation in musical professional sphere. D. Kotko’s choirs carried out an important mission of intercultural diplomacy and, most importantly, promoted Ukrainian idea thanks to the high artistic patrimony of national choral culture.


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