


Volodymyr Skuratovskyi, universalism, cluster approach, musical enlightenment, intonation sources, composer’s dialogue, suite


The article introduces to the oeuvre of the modern Ukrainian composer V.I. Skuratovskyi (1963–2016) and is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of his birth. A brief overview of the musicological studies of the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Creative Personality – Hope for the Future” (March 28–29, 2023) is given. The research object is the composing oeuvre in combination with multi-vector activity of V. Skuratovskyi. For the first time, it is proposed using the concept of “cluster method” in relation to the artist’s creative career. Composing activity by V.I. Skuratovskyi in interaction with other forms of creativity is likened to the “cluster” phenomenon in its universal sense (namely, in connection with music, astronomy, biotechnology and economics). Characteristic features of V. Skuratovskyi’s composing style are emphasized – retrospective and dialogue nature, dichotomy of musical language – in connection with the artist’s performing, lecturing and research activities. The role of mentors and the influence of creative connections with fellow performers on composer impulses of V. Skuratovskyi are noted. One of his most famous contributions, “Album for Children” with 12 pieces for piano, is presented. It is highlighted the role of the suite genre in the composer’s oeuvre, which most characterizes the type of his creative journey. The focus is on the Suite for chamber orchestra “Looking into the Past”. The interaction of music and poetry in the pieces of V.I. Skuratovskyi and the features of considering his composing and literary gift from the standpoint of synesthesia are outlined. In this context, the importance of the Cycle of Choral Poems based on Lesya Ukrainka’s lyrics “Five Strings of Ukraine” is emphasized. The unity of composing, poetic, pedagogical and educational, and performing activities of V.I. Skuratovskyi is noted, and the ratio of different areas of activities is marked. The sources of intonation material and further research perspectives are indicated.


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