piano, pedagogical repertoire, music-expressive means, musical form, modehar-monic, expressive tools.Abstract
The article examines the lingua-stylistic features of pieces for children that are included in albums for piano "Works for young people" and "24 pieces for children" by Viktor Kosenko. Composer is a bright representative of the Ukrainian musical culture of the first half of 20th century. It is investigated the aspect of the style and form, the incarnation of the western european and national tendencies of musical language used by the composers. Important role in the Ukrainian composers work of the first half of 20th century, besides of the scale opera-symphonic and chamber genres, took a seat the children’s instrumental music. Artists often paid attention to the piano cycle, in while basic important tasks of teacher are combined. They include, besides gaining end perfection of technical and performance abilities of young pianist, education for the students of the artistically-vivid thinking and aesthetic taste, realized approach to dramaturgy, form of piece and means of musical expression. Most of the Ukrainian composers of 20th century created the children’s music albums for piano, in particular, Vasyl Barvinsky, Boris Lyatoshynsky, Stanislav Lyudkevych, Zhanna Kolodub, Myroslav Skoryk, Valentyn Sylvestrov, Leonid Hrabovsky, Valentyn Bibik, Gennady Sasko et al. Works for the young people of prominent native composers of past century y «Works for young people» and Viktor Kosenko "24 pieces for children" are the valuable constituents of the Ukrainian musical art and pedagogical repertoire of contempo-ranity, as at their study a student can extend the spectrum of vivid perception, at subcon-scious level become acquainted with numerous features of lingually-stylish and musical language of composers and means of their artistic interpretation. In Ukrainian musicology consideration of offered cycles given mainly in historical and genre-stylish aspects. There are the labours of Yuriy Bulka, Lyubov Kiyanovska, Ulyana Molchko, Olga Oliynyk, Oleksandra Tymoshchuk, Bogdana Filz. Oksana Pysmenna outlines in her labour the harmonic language features of y. Thus, the basic tasks of research are complex analysis of children’s piano cycles y "Works for young people" and Viktor Kosenko "24 pieces for children" in the area of expressive tools, dramaturgy, architectonics, mode-harmonic and other means of musical expression, for the exposure of features of musical language of works, at the level of particular miniatures and general cycle.
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