Chinese piano music, Taoism, images of nature, ritual and ceremonial concepts, fantasy-mythological themes.Abstract
In the submitted article attempts to organize and summarize important thematic programmatic groups in Chinese piano music, stating the reasons for certain priorities in choosing software imagery. However, despite all innovations and the powerful process of “Europeanization” that significantly influence the directions of development of Far East art, including that of China, the mental foundation is uniquely and artistically integrated in the theme and expressive devices used by Chinese artists. Let us provide one of the generalizing comparative definitions of the specific features of the Chinese world perception as compared to the European one: “the key specific features of the traditional Chinese system of philo-sophy in all its modifications (from legitimism and Confucianism to Daoism and Chinese Buddhism) consists in the fact that they do not focus on the individual and personal perception, realization of the problem of existence and the place of the human being in it, but rather on the socially significant behavior of people determined by external forces (the Heaven, Dao), i.e. social ethics and policy that are of major and exceptional importance in society The national unique intonation is especially organically synthesized with the work it expresses and it will be differently decoded by a European and a representative of the Chinese cultural tradition. This is a very important prerequisite for the correct under-standing of the content of music works of various genres composed outside of the European cultural continuum. This very understanding pertains to the image and sense load of their interaction with the word, ritual and symbolism of the timbral sound and other elements of the integral artistic image, as well as the intonation complex itself underlying the music work. In this vein, there are three main thematic concepts that prevail in software titles piano works by Chinese composers: images of nature, ritual and ceremonial concepts are mostly didactic orientation and fantasy-mythological concepts also often associated with literary, mystical and historically formed the Chinese religious beliefs. In article provides examples of works of Dinh Shandy, Han Wei Hu, Shan De Yin, Ho Lutyn.
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