bandura, emigration composer, Y. Olijnyk, V. Mishalov, Y. Fedynskyi.Abstract
The article reveals the life and career of the modern Ukrainian emigration of composers, creating a concert repertoire for bandura, contribute to the development of bandura playing – Y. Olijnyk, V. Mishalov, Y. Fedynskyi, analyzes their musical and social activities. In the creative personality of Y. Olijnyk organically combined the talents of composer, pianist, teacher and musicologist. He works in the genres of instrumental and vocal music, Victor Mishalov is the author of compositions for bandura solo, ensembles of small forms and arrangements of folk songs, Yuri Fedynskyi to its credit has pieces for a contemporary bandura solo and a number of compositions influenced by experimental works. Shtokalko. Significant role in the global consolidation of Ukrainian national culture plays a musical performance of talented composers. Ukrainian musical culture was creating not only during the twentieth century on our motherland, but also far, far away from it. If difficult social and cultural processes in Ukraine didn’t allow getting to know and study scientifically the cultural processes in the diaspora, so modern development of our society correspond to it. Learning the history of Ukrainian’s music has got for an object formulate the whole picture of Ukrainian and cultural space. In spite of this, it simply cannot be of full value without enormous acquisition to the flatness of the musical culture Ukrainian diaspora of the twentieth century. Music was, is and will be the biggest inspiration not only for composers, whom I am writing about in this article, but I consider music to be the greatest art in our life. The creators never limited to national frames, striking illustration of this – Ukrainian music, antique and modern one. Very important line in full value of definite culture is reception of the inner world of other nationalities, wide and success improvisation their pectoral and plot themes, some specific melos, finding in them something common, eternal and different. Yurij Olijnyk is one of the representatives, who combines pianist talents, composer, teacher and musicologist. Every single display of his talent is directed to establishment images of the Ukrainian music in the context of the world culture. As a composer, Yirij Olijnyk works in the genres of instrumental and vocalic music. Creative cooperation with a famous bandura player, Merited Artist of Ukraine Olha Herasymenko-Olijnyk, directed composer’s initiative to make a lot of different original compositions for bandura. These concerts had a great success and were performed with different symphony orchestra. As a musicologist, he studied the origins of Ukrainian culture, to understand all the cultural processes of Eastern Europe. Initiated by Yurij Olijnyk were held lectures on the history of Ukrainian culture at schools, colleges and universities. In addition to creative and pedagogical work, Y. Olijnyk is an active public personality, who is also the head the Ukrainian Heritage Club of Northern California. One of the representatives of modern composers in Ukrainian diaspora and at the same time a performer of his own works, is a bandura player – Victor Mishalov. By the occupation, Mishalov is a musicologist. He gathers different kinds of materials in libraries and archives which connects with the history and performing on bandura, which were published in many countries, who knows and understands deeply the style of performance of famous bandura-players. Victor is a serious student of folklore-collector of Ukrainian songs. In addition, he plays almost in all the instruments, such as torbana, tsutra, tsymbaly, gysli, volon, floyari, dydi, trembiti, sopilka, cosak pipe, syrma. The basic method of his school is creative heritage of Hnat Khotkevich. Mishalov knows and supports the work of the founder of Kyiv choir Vasyl Yemets, Leonid Haidamaka, Michael Kravchenko, Hrigoriy Kytastiy and lots of others. Victor produced some recording places. He has many concerts in different countries, but most of his time, Mr. Mishalov spends in Ukraine, where he organizes benefit concerts for the cultural Fund. His works are for bandura-solo, small forms ensembles and edited versions of folk songs. The Queen of Holland was impressed by his instrument and the manner of playing. She accepted our bandura-player in the Palace of Amsterdam, had a talk with him and finally bought two record disks of the performer. Unfortunately, nowadays he doesn’t have enough time to create something new, but he always finds me time for the youngest generation. He has his own school in Sydney, to glorify Ukrainian national instrument – bandura. One more representative of new generation composers is Yurij Fedynskyi. Yurij repairs young Ukrainian musical instruments for playing like veresaiva kobza, Cossack bandura, landlord's bandura, lyre, mamaivska kobza, turban and psaltery. He tries to breathe new life into old traditions- dums and historical songs. Y. Fedynskyi made some composition for modern bandura-solo. He is fond of performing dumas. His own thought – Ukraine has to show Europe the real future. Because the unique form of folk creation – a ballad or they call it “duma” still exists in Ukraine. If to compare to Germany, who had lost it, our country survived in the cultural sphere. These musical compositions were created under the influence of Zinovij Shtokalko experimental works, French impres-sionism and folk dance rhythms. The experimental compositions for modern bandura trio. Therefore, for professional artists, who live abroad to promote Ukrainian art, rooted in the tradition of ethnic culture is the only way ethnic self-identification.
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Фединський Юрій [Електронний ресурс] / матеріал з газети Kyiv Post – A Word with Jurij Fedynskyj // Режим доступу до ресурсу:
Юрій Олійник [Електронний ресурс] / Юрій Олійник //. Режим доступу до ресурсу: